Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The Return of Allergy Conjunctivitis

Reading back my post in 2014, I remember that I gave up treatment and left my left eye with tears and itchyness. I could'nt find anyway to solve this situation. Then I happens to work on a cruise, where Iive in it for 9 months and another. Surprisingly, the tearing stops by itself and the "dead skin" I mention were getting flat. All my itchiness were gone. But just right on the night I was home, the itchiness came back immediately, and being home for just months, these time, not only the punctum, the lessions grow on the caruncle too. 

Back to PPUM ( Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya), and for 9 months of treatment, these lession are growing bigger and can only be control under steroid drops. Again. I refuse to use steroid after 2-3 months from the first treatment, and I have done quite some test but none of it helps. It's an allergy that I don't know what to be aware of. What is it that exist on land where we could'nt find on a ship?, that what?

Here are all the treatments I have tried;

Vismed Multi
Olopatadine 0.2%
Ciclosporin 0.5%

And all of the test I have done to check the possibility of this grown;

The doctor then advice to do a removal/biopsy and see what is it. I actually quite refuse for this operation, as I felt, my allergies won't go away with this, it couldn't be cured. But I went for a second opinion with another eye specialist, Klinik Pakar Mata Soo at Taman Sri Sentosa which also advice for a removal. (specialist outside are so expensive. cost me RM200 for the advice) So, I went for the operation.

5 days After Operation

Biopsy result

I don't know how to read the result report, too medical.... the doctor said it's an allergy reaction. That's all.... What on heaven I'm I allergy to?

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